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"The right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out." -Charlie Swan
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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Pink Hot Choc-ument.

First, let me start off by saying that I HATE arguments, especially with my husband. I've never argued with someone so hard in my LIFE! UGH! He tends to bring out the worst of me sometimes...as I bring out the worst in him, as well. My wish is that we could go and entire MONTH without having ONE argument. It's not so much that I actually mind the arguing, (I mean, we eventually get over it), it's just I hate it for Mia's sake. I refuse to let her grow up in a home like I grew up in. I REFUSE......so say a little prayer for me that I'll work harder to not argue so much for HER sake, please.

On a happier note, I got to enjoy a true rarity this morning with my breakfast...pink, yes PINK hot chocolate. Mmmmm! Being a lover of ALL things pink, this was absolutely perfect for me to start my day off with.

Oh so yummmy!!!! So despite the argument later in the day, I really enjoyed my morning otherwise. I pray that my evening is MUCH better than my afternoon.

Enjoy your Tuesday!



vixen kitten said...

As a fellow lover of all things PINK, I have to ask WHERE!!! Where do I find pink hot chocolate?

I am so in awe! It even looks perfect in the cup!

I'm sorry about the argument. I'll keep the two of you in my prayers.

Have a beautiful evening.

love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Brandi--you and Chris should seriously go buy the book The Love Dare. Seriously..it's a lot of fun. I think ya'll would enjoy it. You can get it at WalMart for 10 bucks. But I'll def. keep you guys in my prayers. Boy, does marriage take lots and lots of work.
Oh, and, I'm sooo loving the pink hot chocolate!