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"The right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out." -Charlie Swan
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Thursday, April 09, 2009


I've had a really good day today...warm weather, new friends (VK, you're a sweetheart!), some chocolates on my desk when I got to work, and just enjoying being outside with my sweet little angelbaby and watching Dora earlier in the day. It's been a good day....

Enjoy your Thursday!




vixen kitten said...

Awwwww, thank you! Your day sounds wonderful! Oh, and that angelbaby of yours has completely stolen my heart.

Have a beautiful evening .beee.

love and hugs,

PS...how come I have Cybil at work and you get chocolates! So. Not. Fair!

Anonymous said...

Mia is the sweetest thing. I just love her. I can't wait to see her Easter dress on Sunday.