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"The right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out." -Charlie Swan
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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Good Day.

Since yesterday's post wasn't as sunny as I would've liked it to be, I decided I would post something a little sunnier today. I'm SO happy that the weather is so much nicer today! It's Springtime, for goodness sake; enough of the cold! It felt good to take a trip to see my gradnparents today; just me and Mia, riding with the sunroof open, just laughing and singing along with each other! It's little moments like these that I so greatly thank God for. Another thing, I wanted to share this picture of Mia that I just love sooo very much; it always brightens my day and I hope it helps to brighten yours as well.

"Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man."

~Rabindranath Tagore

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.




vixen kitten said...

Ohh dang, she is ADORABLE! I love the teeth peeking out there!

I'm glad the two of you had such a nice day. Trust me, these are the days you will always look back on, an smile about. It is never the big, huge moments in life. It's these little ones that make it so sweet.

You are an awesome mama, and she is a blessed little girl.


xcuse me now...I'm off to google PINK hot chocolate! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, how cute! That picture definitley made me smile.