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"The right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out." -Charlie Swan
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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bye-Bye, Weave!

Unfortunately, this evening when I get off work, I'm going home and letting my sister DE-weave me. Yes, you heard correctly. The long locks have been fun, but I really miss my REAL hair (and washing it more than that, EW!). She has been kind (and brave enough!) to agree to take them down for me tonight-so we will begin that tedious task once I'm off work, YIKES! Man, how nice it'll be to wash my hair, whew! Don't get me wrong, I've loved the time I've had with my weave, but it's time to say goodbye. I'm going to work on growing my REAL hair out now :-) and I plan on coloring it some time next week as well. Since I'm a true natural blonde underneath all this fake blonde, I'll be doing the underside of my hair bleached blonde, with pieces of my bangs blonde as well, and then the remainder of my hair a dark, dark, almost-black brown; that way the blonde will be in sharp contrast with the brown. YAY! I'm soooo excited! And good thing my sister is such an awesome stylist! Cause all I gotta pay for is the stuff from Sally's-WOO HOO!

Anywho-not much goin' on with me today. Just got done with some horridly boring scanning, fixing to dive back into Breaking Dawn. Man, I forgot how much I LOVE this book! I think it may just be my favorite of the series♥ Oh, and as a footnote, HURRY UP NEW MOON!!! hah!

I hope everyone has a marvelous rest of the weekend. Ta-ta!

All my ♥


**What I've learned today (well, yesterday actually): That I have GOT to get this bag-hands down-right away-ASAP! ♥