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"The right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out." -Charlie Swan
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pheobe's Dora Party.

My niece Pheobe celebrated her 2nd birthday this Saturday and I have to say....WOW, we were all so pooped! I never knew it could be so exhausting having a house full of people and babies! I should've known....

As I promised, here are some of the pictures from the party. Enjoy!

♥ Pheobe was shocked that everybody was singing JUST for her! And that's Pheobe's mommy, my sister, Brittany♥

♥ lil' Camden...he's such a sweetie; I just couldn't resist putting his picture on here!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
All my ♥

Saturday, May 30, 2009


It's safe to say that I'm in a fantabulousss mood today! I only have to stay in this place 'til one today, then I get to go home and enjoy time with family and friends celebrating my niece, Pheobe's, 2nd birthday♥ I love her, and I know she's going to enjoy her day!

So, until Monday, when I can get on here and post the pictures from the party, I'll leave you with a teaser picture. A little something to look forward to......

HAH! Have a great weekend all!
All my ♥

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (my new trend, hah!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So, I hate to say it but I probably won't be on much this week. I had a GREAT holiday weekend and it was wonderful not having to come in on yesterday! Enjoyed some drinks, a nice buzz, some good food...not much is better than that, huh?! Anywh0-I'm going to pray the rest of this week flies by. I'm actually looking forward to Saturday this week (I know, a shocker!!!) because I'm only working until 1 and then I get to go and enjoy my niece, Pheobe's, 2nd birthday! Her party is gonna be incredible because her mom, my sister Britt, has worked her ASS off making it extra special with the decorations and games and food. So yeah, Pheobe has the most amazing and crafty mom in the world, gah! So it's gonna be a blast, I'm really looking forward to it. And stay tuned because next week I'll definitely be posting pictures from Pheobe's amazing Dora party, you'll love them!!!

Anywho-before I go, I have 2 pictures to share today. I'm a little biased but seriously, very few babies that I've ever seen are as well dressed as my little angelbby. There, I said it! So shoot me! Oh well, seriously.....she looked absolutely adorable today and I just had to share her cuteness with everyone.

Have a marvelous Tuesday, and a great week following!

All my ♥


Saturday, May 23, 2009


Maybe it's the weather; maybe it's just the fact that I'd MUCH rather be home in bed than be here, at work, bored as MESS! Either way, I feel about 100 years old walking around on my last legs. I'm exhausted! I don't know why, but I am. I literally fell asleep this morning when I got to work, just sitting here in my chair! I slept for a whole hour! And the phone rang and woke me up. Wow, I really am tired, right?! GAH......!

Anywho, I only have an hour and a half to go before I can take my hour break for lunch. I like to take my lunch as late as I can possibly stand it so that once I get back, I don't have SO much longer to spend here, WHEW! Looking forward to those Krystals and chili cheese fries though, YUM! I know, how healthy, right? hah! But oh well-I'm happy with my chunky dunk body and so is Chris. I'm still sexy to him and I see myself as sexy as well. So what else really matters?

Ok, now that I've bored you with my incredibly retarded and unamusing post for today, I think I'll leave it at that and try not to fall asleep again.

Thank goodness I'm off Monday, WOO HOO!!!!

All my ♥

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon.

For those of you who LOVE the Twilight series, I just though I'd be gracious and share this tidbit of info I just learned today about the upcoming movie. On MTV's upcoming Movie Awards (May 31st) Rob, Kristen, and Taylor will be premiering the FIRST EVER New Moon clip! YAY! So be sure to tune in--I know I will be!

All my ♥

Monday, May 18, 2009

I've decided....

That I'm getting a new tattoo as soon as I can save up enough money. It's going to be the Cullen crest (because I'll always be a die-hard Twilighter, even when I'm 80) in all black behind my right ear/neckish area. I want it a good size because it's beautifully designed and intricate; I don't wanna waste any of those details. So, as soon as I can save up the money, I'm getting it done. YAY!

All my ♥

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bye-Bye, Weave!

Unfortunately, this evening when I get off work, I'm going home and letting my sister DE-weave me. Yes, you heard correctly. The long locks have been fun, but I really miss my REAL hair (and washing it more than that, EW!). She has been kind (and brave enough!) to agree to take them down for me tonight-so we will begin that tedious task once I'm off work, YIKES! Man, how nice it'll be to wash my hair, whew! Don't get me wrong, I've loved the time I've had with my weave, but it's time to say goodbye. I'm going to work on growing my REAL hair out now :-) and I plan on coloring it some time next week as well. Since I'm a true natural blonde underneath all this fake blonde, I'll be doing the underside of my hair bleached blonde, with pieces of my bangs blonde as well, and then the remainder of my hair a dark, dark, almost-black brown; that way the blonde will be in sharp contrast with the brown. YAY! I'm soooo excited! And good thing my sister is such an awesome stylist! Cause all I gotta pay for is the stuff from Sally's-WOO HOO!

Anywho-not much goin' on with me today. Just got done with some horridly boring scanning, fixing to dive back into Breaking Dawn. Man, I forgot how much I LOVE this book! I think it may just be my favorite of the series♥ Oh, and as a footnote, HURRY UP NEW MOON!!! hah!

I hope everyone has a marvelous rest of the weekend. Ta-ta!

All my ♥


**What I've learned today (well, yesterday actually): That I have GOT to get this bag-hands down-right away-ASAP! ♥

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pretty Schnazzzy.

Today I've had a pretty schnazzy day. I feel schnazzzy with my one-side braid and my sleek ponytail--like a beautifully modern hippie ;-) Man, if I could go back to hippie days--not a care in the world except fighting for peace, smokin' green, and picking flowers to put in my hair. Oh what a life!! But, I must say that today, I can't complain about my life. It's been a good day.

Got to spend some time outdoors with Mia and get some sun. I love watching her in the pool and she looks so sweet in her bathing suit I could just eat her up, hah! It amazes me that something so extraordinary and so absolutely beautiful could come from ME! I'm at work now and thankfully I got some more scanning in today. Last night was horribly boring and my whole drive to work this afternoon I was praying "Please let me have some scanning today!" Thanks, God, for hearing my plea. Hopefully tomorrow I can work on some scanning and get in some reading as well. I've almost read the "Twilight" series for the 2nd time, I've just been waiting on "Breaking Dawn", which was being borrowed by a friend. So, she's finally finished it and supposed to be bringing it by later so hopefully I can start on it tomorrow as well. After all, I'll be here 12 hours--I think I'll have time, wouldn't you say?

Anywho-I hope everyone has a blessed and beautiful weekend. Keep safe, and see you on Monday!

All my ♥

**What I've learned today: That even the smallest smile from my baby can lift the cloudiest of moods.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


He's coming home, YAYYYYY!!! And believe it or not, he actually surprised me and told me he was still working and had a long drive ahead of him....when he was actually already in Atlanta! What a sweetheart! He definitely scores MAJOR points for this, hah! So, he'll be home in about another 2 hours probably, YAY! I knew there was some reason I loved him....... ;-)


@ work again, and man is it ever hot in here. But all in all I had a really good day today. NOT so great a night last night (and that's putting it mildly), but a much better day today. Went to Target for some necessities, and it was fun because the entire fam went, so it was more like a mini-day trip♥ I had a really good time. I got a call from Chris as well and guess what? He may be getting to come home tonight instead of tomorrow, YAY! But, I'm not gonna get my hopes up cause there is still that chance that he may not be able to come home tonight. Earlier when I talked to him, they were working NON STOP because the boss lady really seemed like she wanted to get home TONIGHT! She was all pissed at some girl there who wasn't working as fast as she was supposed to, GAH! That boss lady must have something REAL important that she needs to get home to! Oh well, whatever it is, I'm glad for it because that means the sooner Chris gets to come home =-) Oh well, he's supposed to call me back and let me know, because someone will have to go and pick him up once they get in from Rome (GA, of course, hah!)\

Maybe a shopping day tomorrow with my grandmother and Mom and Miss Mia, of course. I'm looking forward to that. Finally, my sore throat is feeling better, I'm just all congested now and talkin' all funny, so be glad that I'm typing this and you're not having to listen to me talk, hah! Anywho-I guess that's it folks. Nothing really exciting to report today. I hope all is well with you and yours.

All my ♥

**What I've learned today: That even the darkest clouds have the softest silver lining. Sometimes, you just gotta look hard enough so that you'll see it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A guy here at work just came in and told me I needed to come in there and share some of my magic. Wave my magic wand and make all the problems disappear!

As he walked away I thought to myself..."Not much magic here....not today...."

**What I've learned today: Never get your hopes up. Your heart is always ready to be broken again. Even when you think it's never going to happen again.

Friends and Favorites Award.

I received this beautiful award from Shania whose blog, My Thoughts (shania1111.blogspot.com), is amazing and definitely deserves for you to check it out. She's insightful and truly has a beautiful soul in sharing. So thank you for this beautiful award, girl, and now, I'm passing it on to 8 lovely people who I belive deserve it♥:

Manda http://countrydelightsblog.blogspot.com/

April http://aprilreneee.blogspot.com/

Ashley http://ashleyandlyde.blogspot.com/

Chris http://bloodsplatteredsatisfaction.blogspot.com/

Here are the rules:

“These blogs are exceedinglycharming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight (but I don't have 8, tee hee) bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

Monday, May 11, 2009

3 Days, EEEK!

Chris found out today that his new job is going to be taking him out of town for the next 3 days. Count 'em, 3. I must admit, I'm not super happy about this, but I certainly can't complain. It's been FOREVER since Chris has had a steady job, and I really want this one to work out for him. I really think he's excited about this job and I want it to be great for him. So, although I'm not stoked about him having to leave for 3 days, the only thing I can do is suck it up, think of the paycheck, and pray for his safety while he's gone. It really won't be that bad, after all. The days will most likely FLY by (I hope) and Mia is usually better for me anyway, tee hee ;) Plus, me and her will have the WHOLE bed to ourselves (yes, she sleeps with us; get over it Child Psychologist). So while I AM dreading Chris being gone (I always feel safer when he's around), I do have sweet nights of falling asleep with Mia watching Yo Gabba Gabba a million times over to look forward to♥
That just shows how I'd do anything for that little angel...hah!

So, I hope everyone has had a Marvelous Monday and is looking forward to Tantalizing Tuesday (yeah!). Be blessed, all.

All my ♥

**What I've learned today: That even death metal, hard ass, kick your face in doing the 2 step GUYS absolutely LOVE Twilight! Who knew....?

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother's Day.

I have a terrible feeling that I'm going to be awfully sick on Mother's Day. =( I woke up this morning with a terrible headache, a body ache, and a throat sooo sore I can barely even swallow my own spit! Fortunately, I haven't had any calls this morning to tire out my voice-so I'm just letting my throat relax. UNfortunately, I cannot leave work because I REALLY need to save up my time for upcoming events. UGH! But, at least, like I said, I haven't had ANY calls this morning. I've just been steadily working on this mountain of scanning delivered to me on yesterday.

I really don't wanna be sick. I HATE it! I feel like a lazy, no good, lard ass who just sloshes around the house in a bad mood. I don't wanna feel like that on Mother's Day!

I've run out of cough drops and I seriously think I may die.....no, just kidding, now I'm being a tad overdramatic.....But in about 2 more hours, I'm going to use my 1 hour for lunch, drive to Wal-Mart, and buy the BIGGEST bag of Halls' that they have...whatever the price! It's worth it to me right now.....

So anywho-now that I'm done whining, I sadly have no pictures to post today =( but I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. And to all you mothers, grandmothers out there-Have a Happy and Blessed Mother's Day♥

All my L♥ve,

Friday, May 08, 2009


Other than it being HOT as HADES at work tonight-whew, which is NOT helping the fact that I'm sick-today has been a fairly good day. Dreading tomorrow, OF COURSE; don't I always, hah! Anywho-just thought I'd post my picture for the day.

Last night, Mia was having a blast recording songs on Guitar Hero with her Daddy. Here is a picture and a video. I hope you all enjoy♥ And everyone have a wonderful weekend!

All my ♥


Thursday, May 07, 2009

My Random 25. ( Tagged by Ashley.)

25 Random facts about me, .beee., hah! I hope I can do this....

1. I tend to worry way too much about what other people think of me. I know I shouldn't, but I do.
2. I worry about my future and I pray that it will be everything for Mia that I never had.
3. My favorite food is overloaded potato soup from O'Charleys, YUM!
4. I wish I exercised more.
5. I'm a textaholic...I'd be LOST without my phone.
6. I love anything animal print. It just makes me feel sexy.
7. I do think of myself as sexy even though, according to most standards, I'm not. I'm beautiful in my own way and my husband definitely agress *wink*
8. I feel bad for the way I treat people sometimes; I can be a not-so-nice person.
9. I have a temper just like my dad's, even though I HATE to admit it.
10. I have over 8 spiral notebooks of poetry and short stories that I've written over the years.
11. I own WAY too many c.d.'s.
12. I'm addicted to Kathy Van Zeeland handbags.
13. I miss hanging out at Baskin Robbins with April.
14. I miss Amanda almost every day, and I never want us to grow apart like what has happened in the past with a previous friend.
15. I'm not naive. Sometimes I think too negatively of people I've just met.
16. I don't forgive easily, and I almost NEVER forget if you've hurt me bad enough.
17. I love making new friends, but I tend to be too shy sometimes.
18. I got teased alot when I was younger, and I honestly believe that those closed-minded people helped to shape me into the strong woman that I am today.
19. I'm afraid I won't be a good enough role model for Mia.
20. I want to have another baby when I'm about 26. A little Micah or Marleigh♥
21. I love my job, even though it's not hard work.
22. I love taking pictures and posting them everywhere I can so that I can see them everyday.
23. Yes, I'm a Twilighter. And I loved it BEFORE the movie, lol
24. I'm a zombie whore. I LOVE zombie movies.
25. I'm independent. I've always taken care of myself, and those loved ones around me. I don't plan on stopping or changing anytime soon, either.

WHEW, I did it! And now, I tag Manda, April, and Vixen Kitten.
Have fun ladies!!!

♥ .beee.

Happy Wifey!

Chris had an interview today with this demolition company and we have been praying SO hard that this job would work out for him! And guess what?! HE GOT IT! He starts Tuesday and seriously, this just proves that God truly does work in lives and that He truly does answer prayers =) Thank you again to everyone who's been praying for us. God is truly working in our life right now, and it's definitely thanks to the many prayers He's receiving from our loved ones.

I only have one picture to share with everyone today, and it's of my 2 year old niece, Pheobe. She's a MESS, but when she's sweet, honey she's ALL sugar! I've been feeling pretty crappy today-thinking that maybe my mom passed on strep throat to me, EW! So, I guess my sleepyness just rubbed off on her today. See what I mean:

She crawled up on the couch with me and I was wondering why she had gotten so quiet. When I looked down she was GONE! What a sweetie! And believe it or not, shortly after that, Mia crawled up in my lap and went to sleep too! I just hope they don't catch whatever it is that I have....

I hope everyone is seriously having a super blessed day!

All my ♥


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I'm a Proud Wifey.

So as you all know, things between Chris and I have been sorta rocky for more than just a little while now. But I am SO happy to say that seriously, we are doing better than EVER now! We are happier, we pray more, we laugh more, we spend more time with Mia together as a family. I seriously think God is truly working in our lives right now, and I just feel so blessed that He is making things better for us. I'm proud to say that I have my old Chris back; the one who used to doodle tattoos on me late at night, the one who looked at me with eyes so in love it made my heart hurt, the one who puts noone before his wife and baby. My heart hasn't been this happy in a long time, and I'm so proud right now to see Chris truly turning his life around, and repenting, and ridding himself of the things and those around him that were leading him, not only away from me and Mia, but away from God as well. I just wanted to tell everyone how proud I am of him♥

Also, as I've gotten into this sharing pictures thing, hah!, I have a few for all of you today. And thank you again for all the prayers that were sent up for us. I truly believe God heard each and every one of them and is truly blessing us! I hope everyone who prayed for us, gets a true blessing in return =)

Now, the pictures......
Mia relaxing in the bedroom, watching Dora♥

It was Daddy's night last night, AW♥

I hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday and has a lovely Thursday tomorrow, as well.

All my ♥

Monday, May 04, 2009

Apt. Hunting.

Went apartment hunting today. I swear, we drove ALL over Griffin just writing down numbers of every house and apartment that we came across that was for rent! When we got home, we called each of the numbers, and there were lots of great deals!, but unfortunately, with my income being the ONLY income right now, we just couldn't afford any of them except for maybe 1, which would really be cutting it close and very tight. But, I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep praying that God will send something perfect our way, and I'm so thankful for all of you that have been praying as well<3

Here's a picture proving to me each and every day how much my little baby, well, isn't such a little baby anymore. She's starting early.....

Shopping already =)

Well I hope everyone has had a wonderful Monday. And Happy early Mother's Day to all you hot mommas out there!!!

All my love.


Saturday, May 02, 2009

Saturday Bliss (*yeah right*).

So yes, it's another delightful Saturday. *I'm sarcastically rolling my eyes...* But I actually have some good news, I hope. Yesterday me, Chris, and Mia went to see Calvin and Tina, Chris's mom and stepdad, who were up from Savannah for a visit. We went to Williamson to see them at Chris's great grandma's house, which happens to be right next door to the trailer that Tina and Calvin used to live in before they moved to Savannah. Well, I have to be honest...they left that trailer in pretty crappy condition and it's been sitting there for A WHILE now just looking like doo-doo. So yesterday, Chris was outside with Calvin and called me to come and look at the trailer. Low and behold it had been reborn!!!

The whole front porch had been re-screened, new floors, new paint, new air conditioning unit, all the walls and cabinets and EVERYTHING had been redone! That trailer looked as new as ever, and I couldn't believe it! WOW! Chris was talking to Calvin about Robert, who is Calvin's brother and the man who owns the trailer. Calvin seems to think that Robert will take $400 a month rent for the trailer, which is what we're paying now with my mom. I was ecstatic! If Calvin and Chris's grandma could talk Robert into letting us have the trailer for $400 a month, we could FINALLY *huge sigh of relief* move out!!! Plus, I LOVE Pike County, it's so quiet in the country, and I would love for Mia to be able to go to school in Pike County. It would be PERFECT!

Don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy living with my mom and my sister and niece. But things have just been super stressful lately between my mom and Chris, and if me and Chris wanna keep our marriage sanely planted on solid ground, we need to try and get out of that house as soon as we possibly can without going broke! Please, if everyone who reads this could PLEASE send a few prayers up to God that this is what He has planned for us, that He would have us live in that trailer and be able to afford everything that we need; nothing extra, just what we need and be HAPPY; if everyone would just pray that for me and my family, I would GREATLY appreciate it! We need all the prayers we can get right now, and I'm just really hoping that this can work out for us.

Thanks ahead of time for the prayers, everyone.
I hope you all have a blessed weekend<3


Friday, May 01, 2009

I'm on that Whatchumacallit.....

Yeah bbys, I'm with that sexyness, and to prove it, some pictures of my damn amazin' Dominatrix shoes I bought today, AH! See below:
Yeah, I love them, and sorry if this is TMI for some of you, but I'm just being honest....I plan on breaking them in tonight, HAH! Even Mia got in on the sexyness today....lol ;-)Starting early like her momma, hah! I feel bad for the boys when she gets older.......

I hope everyone is having a SEXY Friday!!!
