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"The right thing isn't always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So... good luck figuring that out." -Charlie Swan
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Upcoming Events.

Tomorrow Chris, Mia, and myself are going to get our taxes done (well, not Mia, hah!) before I have to go in to work. I really hope we can get our money back before we leave for our trip to Savannah...
Which is something I'm REALLY looking forward to! We're making a trip to see Chris's family and it's been such a long time since we've been to Savannah. The last trip that me and Mia made was when Chris's Granny was sick in the hospital...she was kind of bouncing back and forth between being sick and being well, and we wanted her to see Mia and how big she'd gotten before anything happened to her...so we made a trip down there. I still love those pictures we took of Mia and Granny....I know it really made her heart smile to spend time with Chris and Mia before she got ready to go home and be with God......
On a happier note, I'm really excited to see what Chris's mom and step-dad have done with his Granny's house (they moved down there after she died) and I'm just excited to see them! It's been a LONG time, and even though me and Tina haven't gotten along so great in the past, I still miss her and I know Chris really misses her too =)

The part I'm MOST looking forward to is going to River Street. I LOVE walking around the shops and just being so close to the water...it's SO beautiful there! And I've never been in the cooler months, so I'm excited to go. Of course I'll have TONS of pictures to post once we get back! I'm looking so forward to it, it's gonna be hard for me to have to wait 2 more weeks! But, it'll be worth it, and I know we're gonna have a great time. This will be our first family trip that we've taken by ourselves, so that should be fun as well. Just say a prayer that my car will make it there and back!!!!

Til next time...
Peace, Love, and Savannah<3


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! Can I please hide in the trunk and go to Savannah with ya'll?!?
I hope ya'll have a fabulous time!..and be safe!